A Journey of Transformation, Survival and Thrival!
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For me, your development and transformation is personal!
I understand quite well that life challenges, particularly moments of loss, can be incredibly difficult to navigate. After struggling through several demises at different junctures in my life, I have come to firmly believe that the experiences of loss are not meant to defeat us but rather serve as catalysts for discovering a renewed sense of purpose and the opportunity to flourish with hope.
Over the years, I have wrestled inwardly with shame that once kept me silent and hostage in blame. What started as a quest to conquer my own insecurities has turned into a system that has helped hundreds of my members step into who they really are and confidently show up in their lives like never before.
Read my story

Resources for every stage of the journey

DIY guides
Learn actionable skills you can easily use to improve your daily life.

Dr. Diana Mitchell is truly an amazing woman of God! My daughter attended one of her mentoring sessions and received valuable tools to help her stay focused on Christ & His plan for her life. She has mentored me; She is someone I can call on for Godly Wisdom & counsel.
Maya Stubbs
Get started with one of my helpful guides

"I Am" Word Affirmations with Scripture
Download 30 Printable Cards of "I Am" Word Affirmations. Declare Who You Are Based on Biblical Scripture. For example: I Am Beautiful ~ Psalm 139:14. Daily declaring words and scripture leads to a transformed mindset.
Download this guide
Rise & Pray 30-Day Guide
A Disciplined Life is a result of Consistent Practice. This 30-Day Guide of Bible verses will help you develop a daily practice of rising up early to meet God in prayer. (Adapted from Rise & Pray 60-Day Journal)

Who you’re meant to be
We are all unique individuals with dreams and desires. As we grow, the world around us begins to influence our identity. This course will lead you on a journey of self-discovery where you step into who you’re meant to be with confidence.
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